Member Spotlight
Communications Contact: Melissa Ward, Saint Michael's College (PCACAC Region)
Katie Trachtenberg Assistant Director of College Counseling Sanford School (DE)
What led you into admissions/college counseling? Share your journey story! I have been teaching English for five years now, three of which have been at Sanford School in Hockessin, Delaware-- my alma mater! John Ramsey, who was my college counselor when I was at Sanford, announced his retirement last year, and I was really excited to have the opportunity to apply for this role! The things I love most about teaching-- getting to know my students, helping them with the skills they need to achieve their goals, and celebrating their growth-- are distilled in the role of college counselor, so I was inspired to apply! I am eternally grateful for all of the support and education I’ve received in my first year from Casey Zimmer (our director), PCACAC, NACAC, and all of the friends and colleagues I’ve met along the way. I am really looking forward to everything the future holds!
What do you love most about your job? There are so many things! Recently, I have really been enjoying the interviews we conduct with our juniors as part of their initial foray into the college process. I had many of these students last year as sophomores in English class, and the growth, introspection, and transformation so many of them exhibit as they think carefully through the questions I ask them is so amazing. I love learning new things about them and helping them find the schools that would best fit with all they have to offer. I also really enjoy the camaraderie that exists within the college admissions community! I have attended lunches, fly-ins, the PCACAC Summer Institute, and the NACAC conference, and I always appreciate the warm, open, congenial, knowledgeable crew I find at each event.
What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue leadership (or membership) in PCACAC and/or NACAC? If you’re looking for a way to become more involved with either organization, just ask! At the PCACAC event at NACAC, there was a call for volunteers for committees. I thought the Communications Committee sounded interesting, so I walked up to Kellie Stewart and asked her about it! She was immediately welcoming, and we discussed possible opportunities. Now I work on the Instagram for PCACAC!
What's a fun fact that most people don't know about you? I love ice hockey and play every weekend during the season! I played for University of Delaware’s ACHA team as both a goalie and a forward, and I once attended a tryout camp for the Connecticut Whale (NWHL).
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the admissions/college counseling profession? First, I would say that it’s okay to not know what you don’t know! I spent a lot of time in the summer reading books, going page by page through The Fiske Guide, trying to anticipate everything I thought I should know about college admissions. While that was somewhat helpful, I would say the vast majority of things I’ve learned have come from doing and from listening. I was so nervous to conduct my first college rep visit (shout out to Marshall McClung of Hampden-Sydney!), but I learned so much-- not only about what the school had to offer, but also about how colleges are thinking through what information they want students to have. Also, find yourself a mentor whom you trust and who is willing to help-- I am so thankful to have worked alongside Casey Zimmer this entire first year, who has been endlessly knowledgeable and patient as I learned the ropes! Also, I, a sometimes extroverted introvert, would recommend being open to networking (because everyone is so friendly and helpful!) and finding yourself a good support system-- having a group of friends you can call or email at a moment’s notice has made all the difference in my first year!
Mildred Johnson Retired Dean of Admissions Radford University (VA)
“Friend, rock star, amazing, bodyguard, passionate, leader, [and] fierce” are just a few of the words used to describe Mildred Johnson, who retired from the world of higher education earlier this summer. Mildred retired from her most recent role, Dean of Admissions at Radford University on July 19. This date marked the end of an impressive 44-year career in higher education.
Mildred got her start in higher education like many of us do, as a tour guide for Averett University, located in Danville, Virginia. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and not long after earned a spot as an Admissions Counselor. Sound familiar? Mildred recalls being excited about being paid (albeit not much) for the work that she had enjoyed doing as a student. Mildred knew that she wanted to continue her education, and eventually ended up at Radford University, where she earned her master’s degree.
The diversity of Mildred’s positions & her successes within the field of enrollment management are uncontested. From Admissions Counselor at Averett University to Assistant Director of Academic Advising at University of North Carolina-Greensboro to Associate Vice Provost at Virginia Tech, Mildred seems to have done it all! Just as important, I think, are the relationships formed and the impact she had on all those she interacted with. From students to employees, from colleagues to relative strangers, Mildred seems to leave a lasting effect on people wherever she goes.
I personally only got to experience the “Mildred-effect” recently, when I attended a session at the 54th Annual Conference of Potomac & Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling (PCACAC). Along with Melissa Bevacqua & Amy Takayama-Perez (both of George Mason University), Mildred presented at a session titled “Leadership Lessons from Women in the Corner Offices”. Topics included strategies to overcome barriers & advice for advancing your career. The session became the buzz of the conference.
When I spoke to Mildred before her retirement, she reiterated several of the points made during the session. On what she’s learned from being a woman in higher education: “Believe in yourself, in your abilities. If you believe in yourself, you will shine!” And: “There will always be someone who wants to pull you down. You can’t let those outside influences hurt your soul or bring you down.”
When asked about the biggest change she’s seen during her time in higher education she responded quickly with, “technology, hands down.” She also feels that technology can be a double-edged sword. “It has made communication much easier, we can do things more efficiently, but it’s also inspired a culture of immediacy.” Like any seasoned road-warrior, Mildred has her share of stories. She remembers working for Virginia Tech in the 90’s and having to lug around paper applications to distribute at college fairs. And while GPS and then smartphones replaced “really large maps”, she remembers that high schools were often listed on them, which was helpful during travel-planning.
One thing that hasn’t changed? Collaborating with colleagues on all sides of the desk. She remembers when you’d call a school to make your fall visit appointment and they’d tell you exactly where to go next, because it was only 15 minutes down the road. She said that a big topic at this year’s Summer Institute was the idea of supporting one another. She believes transparency on both sides of the desk is best, and: “always remember, we’re a village, the more we help each other the better it is for the student.”
Mildred’s supervisory experience is extensive, and she offered up great advice on being the boss. “Your staff needs to know that you’re fair and honest and truthful, and you are part of the group that will support them, because you need their support also!” And: “leadership comes in many different forms, I’ve always tried to lead by example, and not ask people do anything I wouldn’t.”
How does Mildred feel about retirement? She stated it was “bittersweet”. It will be the first time in a long while that she won’t be visiting a high school during the fall. What is she looking forward to most? Being able “to do whatever I want to do, when I want to do it”. She’s happy to be ditching the schedule and anticipating lots of fun activities with friends & her husband, who has been retired for 2 years.
Mildred’s departure from higher education will certainly leave a void, and she will be missed by many this fall, but I have a feeling she’s going far.
Here's what her friends and colleagues had to say about their time with Mildred:
"When I think of Mildred, the first quote that pops in my head is from Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Mildred makes everyone feel special. She sees the best in everyone and always works hard to have meaningful relationships with her colleagues. She is a “people person” and has inspired me to continue to put people and relationships at the forefront of what I do each and every day.
To quote another inspiring woman, Tina Turner: “You're simply the best, better than all the rest Better than anyone, anyone I ever met.” Mildred, you have been our rock star in college admissions and I am grateful for everything you have taught me and for opportunity to be a part of your journey! Cheers!" - Rebekah LaPlante, Senior Associate Director, Radford University, VA
"My earliest vivid memories are at the joint PCACAC/SACAC Conference in Crystal City. Seeing her come down the escalator each morning, sporting her school colors, Rebekah by her side, and lighting up the room with her warm smile. Learning from her and alongside her in sessions, networking during breaks, standing by her side at the front of the drink line and dancing until the last song, we made the most of that event. And, we have continued to do so at every PCACAC conference since. I will always treasure those times and remain in awe of Mildred’s commitment to attending PCACAC events, regardless of her position at her institution.
We also shared some amazing memories at NACAC conference. From Indianapolis to Toronto, San Diego, Columbus and Boston, our entourage made the rounds and left our mark. Mildred lives her life to the fullest. Being with her is always uplifting and fun. She is the true model for how to work hard andplay hard. Most importantly her ethics are a model for anyone in this industry. When she was awarded the Jack Blackburn award by PCACAC leadership, I know Jack was smiling. They were dear friends who were both trailblazers in admissions and steadfastly committed to equity and access for all. Her humility when receiving this award was vintage Mildred. Never wanting the spotlight on herself, she always preferred to celebrate the success of others. I cannot convey how much Mildred’s friendship means to me. No words can adequately summarize, describe, celebrate, and/or honor her adequately. I look forward to creating more memories in her retirement." - Robyn Lady, Director of Student Services, Chantilly High School, VA
"I could write about so many specific memories of Mildred—watching college football in Boston at NACAC, catching up as SI faculty or sharing a meal at a PCACAC conference. While these memories are wonderful, when I think of Mildred, I am reminded of her fierce dedication to students and their success in college. Specifically, I think of one student with whom we both worked—her worry was whether he would make it in college and how we—both the high school and the college— could support him best to be prepared and graduate. While wearing this passion on her (color depending on the institution) sleeve, Mildred demonstrated great professionalism, dedication, work ethic, passion for the profession and a love of laughter. She has mentored many and inspired even more. In short, Mildred made us all, PCACAC and me included, better." - Jake Talmage, Director of College Counseling, St. Paul's School, MD
"When I met Mildred, I was new to PCACAC. In her caring and encouraging way, she talked to me about the value she saw in our organization. She encouraged me to get involved, to meet new people and to ask many questions. I've always viewed her as an icon in college admissions. More importantly, she's been a terrific friend. She will be missed terribly but I'm excited that she gets to spend more time with her family. She's earned it!" - Joel Lang, Director of College Advisement and School Counseling, Padua Academy, DE
"Among the many things I love and admire about Mildred is her commitment to staying on the front lines during her time as the Director at Virginia Tech. She managed the office well but refused to give up visiting schools and doing college nights because it kept her close to the students, and that made her a better admissions dean. I was always impressed at how well she knew my students and remembered conversations she had with them. I feel fortunate to have had her as a friend and colleague." - Jim Jump, Academic Dean and Director of College Counseling, St. Christopher's School, VA
"I appreciate Mildred for being one of the few admission professionals who would actively back high school counselors in difficult situations. On two separate occasions when I was coping with an admission decision that I was fully expecting but a parent (in one situation) and the school head (in another) were not. In my phone calls to Mildred, she offered to call both persons, saying something to the effect, "It was my decision and it's not right for you to take the heat for it." That kind of support is rare... especially in this era of record application numbers, low admit rates, and institutional braggadocio for having become even more selective. She was a guiding light in our profession, and although we'll miss her astuteness, integrity, and empathy, any who knew and worked with her are greater educators as a result." - Mike Oligmueller, Director of College Counseling, NSU University School, FL
"Mildred never lost sight of the humanity of the college admission process. Having spent so many years at a large public college, it could have been easy to focus more on test scores and yield rates, but she never lost sight of the person behind the application. That endeared her to me as a professional, and it endeared her to many families.
Mildred and I were on more college night panels together than I care to count, and I was always thrilled to find out that she would be on a panel with me. Her mix of honestly, sincerity, and humor disarmed parents and students and made them feel that this stressful process of applying to college might just work out after all. And she and I were always the timekeepers - we both hated when other panelists went over their allotted time.
I have a pair of shoes that I always wore if I knew I was going to see Mildred. They are reddish-brown with orange piping at the soles - Hokie colors - and I wore them to a VT alumni admissions weekend that she invited me to attend. She loved them so much that I had to wear them every time I saw her - and she was always, always wearing the school colors and got her staff to do the same, both at VT and Radford. While that may seem trivial, I think it speaks to larger point - Mildred's staff always seemed to come together as a team, which was a great reflection of and testament to her leadership." - Anthony Ambrogi, Director of College Counseling, St. Catherine's School, VA
"One of the things that always impressed me about Mildred is that in this age of Big Data, she was able to keep the students front and center in her thinking. Mildred has a fantastic skill to carefully balance the fine line of utilizing numbers to manage enrollment, while making decisions that focused on the best interests of students whenever possible. That skill makes her an amazing Dean of Admission." - Scott Mayer, Associate Director of College Counseling, St. Christopher's School, VA
"Mildred is an amazing individual. The consummate professional in every sense of the word, she also held the exceptional quality of never losing sight of the individual student in the process. Many times I reached out to Mildred and had those small conversations that in a big data world would be deemed inconsequential, but to the students, families and counselors, meant so very much. We were all privileged to have Mildred in our profession and will miss her presence very much." - Mike Carter, Director of College Counseling, St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School, VA
"When I began my first year at Gonzaga as a college counselor, Mildred is the first admission person I remember meeting that fall. She lights up a room with her positive energy, infectious smile and wonderful sense of humor. I appreciate her making me feel welcome from day one. Mildred is an incredibly well respected and loved leader in our profession and will be greatly missed. I wish her the best on her new adventures." - Kellie Stewart, Associate Director of College Counseling, Gonzaga College High School, DC
We wish you a very happy and fulfilling retirement, Mildred!
Corianne Deatly
Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative Colgate University (DC, MD and VA)
Where do you currently work and what is your position? I work for Colgate University as their Mid-Atlantic regional representative, which means that my primary role is to work with students, families, and counselors throughout Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia. As a regional admission officer, I’m lucky to live and work where my students do, which enables me to build relationships in a different way than I did while in Hamilton, New York. I’m also a member of Colgate’s international team and work with students, families, and counselors from Africa, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
What do you love most about your job? Like many in this field – the students! I love discovering what students are passionate about. If they’re not sure yet (and they often aren’t), then I love discovering “why” and how they’ve grown into the person they are today. Helping students and their family members navigate the college process has been incredibly rewarding for me.
What's a fun fact that most people don't know about you? I have an impressively high tolerance for spicy food - I’m fearless at restaurants! Only one thing has stopped me in my tracks, and I won’t say what it is!
How do you balance work/life? Finding the time for swimming, yoga, and meditation have enabled me to dive into each day with purpose. I’ve been getting this question a lot more now that I work outside of the office – I think it’s out of curiosity about regional work and also because regional officers themselves are surprised by the challenges that the role brings. It’s hard to walk away from the office when your office is quite literally where you live, so following a routine whenever you can is incredibly important. MARCA (the Mid-Atlantic Regional Counselor Association) has been a fantastic source of support in helping me grow into this role at Colgate.
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the admissions/college counseling profession? Every year I discover more and more just how close-knit this field is. This can be incredibly intimidating for a first year admission officer who feels out of place at their first college fair, but it’s important to lean into it! You’ll look back after one year and be amazed about the connections you’ve made, and you’ll continue to be amazed by the amount of support available as you grow in this profession.
Amy Couillard High School Counselor Atlee High School (VA)
What led you into admissions/college counseling? Share your journey story!
I began teaching in 2001 and really loved the job. However, I remembered the best teachers I had were the ones who loved people but were also very passionate about what they were teaching. I liked teaching history but my passion was students. After a few years of people telling me I would be a great counselor, I looked into the profession. One of my best friends who I was teaching with at the time and I started the Counselor Ed program at VCU together. As I worked in my practicum and internships I found I had a love of working with students in all levels for a variety of reasons. High School counseling won out because I love all the big events that happen in high school. The most exciting part of my job is helping students plan for their future and working to see those plans become reality. Graduation is always emotional for me because I am so excited for the students to move on to the next phase in life and celebrate all they have accomplished thus far.
What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue leadership (or membership) in PCACAC and/or NACAC?
Joining PCACAC and NACAC has been one of the best things I have done in my career. My first PCACAC experience was at Randolph-Macon at a one day workshop. I learned more in that one day than I had learned in all of my experiences prior. I have been lucky enough to attend PCACAC’s annual conference twice since then. This past year I was fortunate enough to attend the NACAC National Conference in Salt Lake City, UT through the Imagine Grant. I loved every minute of the opportunity to learn from and network with people on both sides of the desk and all over the world. I am so much more confident in my knowledge and my relationships with college admissions counselors as a result of being a part of both organizations. I can't encourage folks enough to join and attend these events.
If not working in admissions/college counseling, what else could you see yourself pursuing?
I absolutely love the outdoors and traveling. Working outside would be fantastic. I would love to be a camp counselor at a year round summer camp style camp somewhere on the water. A girl can dream, right?
What's a current trend or future issue you're passionate about right now? And why? Working in a High School I am saddened by the number of students who are suffering from anxiety and depression. Many of the students I work with put such incredible pressure on themselves. There is such fear of failure and that their lives will never amount to anything unless they get in to the “top” college. However, there are so many wonderful schools for our students and I wish they could see that. I would love to see our students enjoying school and life by putting less pressure on themselves. We spend a lot of time on mindfulness in hopes that we can help students manage their stress, enjoy the now, and know that it will all be okay.
Brandon L. Joyner Assistant Director of Admissions Elon University (NC)
What led you into admissions/college counseling? Share your journey story!
Getting into admissions has truly been a blessing for me. I was working as a television news reporter for about a year and decided that I wanted to make a career change, which would hopefully help me be able to see my Mother more often, especially after my Father passed away suddenly in March of 2016. I received a call from a good friend at Elon University, my alma mater, who told me there was an opening for an admissions counselor position, who would have the territory of the DC area, where I am originally from. I applied and after completing the interview process, I was offered the position. I started with the Admissions team at Elon in August of 2016 and I am truly grateful to work here.
What do you love most about your job?
I love being able to interact with students! I love being able to get to know them on a personal level and assist them through a stressful time in their lives: applying to college. I love being able to meet them in their high schools for college visits or through college fairs/evening events. For many, they do not know what they want to study when they get to college and I enjoy sitting down with them and helping them figure out what they are interested in and exploring the possibility of making that interest, something they could study. My Admissions Counselor played a key role in why I attended Elon and I love being able to be an influential impact as to why a student decides to come to Elon. I also love the collaboration between College Admissions Representatives and College Counselors. I always cherish being able to connect with counselors after a college visit at a high school to tell them about what’s new at Elon and share other information to help their students who are considering Elon. Relationships are important to me and I value that time spent with the counselors, when I am traveling.
What's a fun fact that most people don't know about you?
I am related to Muhammed Ali (On my Mom’s side)! I am also a singer and have been singing in many choirs and ensembles since I was three years old.
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the admissions/college counseling profession?
My advice to someone considering entering the profession is to, first of all, absolutely do it! There is a lot of support in this profession. I love the support colleagues from my office as well as other institutions gave me during my first year as an Admissions Counselor. I would also recommend once they are in the profession asking a lot of questions, getting a mentor and get plugged in to PCACAC or your local ACAC. There are so many opportunities for professional development in this field. I have met so many helpful colleagues while traveling and have attended workshops on how to be a better Admissions Representative, whether that’s in college visits, diversity/inclusion or strategizing new events. I think it is so important to get plugged in and have a mentor, when you join this profession because there is always room to learn and get better, no matter how long you have been in this field.
Nicholas Orban Coordinator of Admission and Limited Enrollment Programs University of Maryland, College Park (MD)
What led you into admissions/college counseling? Share your journey story!
Like many of us, I was a tour guide and student worker in the admissions office! I developed an interest in the admission process to UMD, and was interested in continuing to benefit the university by helping to recruit and admit a strong class of students each year. Now that I’ve been here for more than five years, I’ve learned about a number of other topic areas in the field that grab my attention and passion – like government relations and our interactions with our elected representatives, for example.
What's your favorite admissions/counseling memory or travel story?
My colleagues at UMD will tell you I have the worst travel luck! They’re all so memorable that it’s hard to pick a favorite travel story. I’ve had cars break down on the side of the highway (New York Thruway, two miles from Albany, NY), bags lost, cancelled and delayed flights across the board. It’s now to the point where my wife jokes that she doesn’t want to travel with me anymore (except I’m not sure how much of what she says is kidding or serious).
If not working in admissions/college counseling, what else could you see yourself pursuing?
I’d likely be working somewhere in either the federal government or political advocacy. I had a lot of great experiences as an undergrad student working in these fields as an intern, and could definitely see myself going down this path instead of college admissions.
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the admissions/college counseling profession?
This field has so many opportunities for a new professional to pursue. I’ve developed great friendships and relationships that I hope will last the entirety of my professional career. This profession also gives you the opportunity to learn a wide variety of skills, so any particular passion or strength that you have can easily be pursued.
Alice Robertson School Counselor Chantilly High School (VA)
What led you into admissions/college counseling? Share your journey story!
I am so fortunate that my parents had the means to be incredibly supportive of my own college search when I was in high school; my Mom and I took numerous road trips to visit campuses. I enrolled at Emory University for my freshman year and I reaped the benefits of small class sizes and the opportunity to volunteer as a tour guide and Sophomore Advisor in a residence hall. Something was missing for me, though, and I didn’t feel as connected to my studies as I wanted to (I was a Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology major). In December of my sophomore year I went to my brother’s graduation from Virginia Tech and was impressed by the sense of community I found among his friends and classmates. Over the next few weeks I kept researching VT Admissions on and off and stumbled upon their Human Development program. I applied the evening the transfer application was due and was admitted. Once I broke the news to my family, they were supportive but surprised. I honestly never looked back. Emory was a terrific place for me at the time and Virginia Tech became that place for my last two years of college. I applied for the Admission Advisor position in the spring of my senior year and was fortunate to be offered one of five ‘road runner’ jobs.
I truly believe all those road trips with my Mom, working as a residence hall advisor, and my own transfer experience led me to admissions and ultimately working at a high school.
What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue leadership (or membership) in PCACAC and/or NACAC?
This may sound cliché, but I believe that membership in PCACAC and NACAC itself creates the opportunity for leadership in these organizations. Both organizations thrive on their people and they are constantly looking for people to help and step in to various roles. Step in if you hear of a need for conference planning (that’s how I got started), a PD event, Day on the Hill or something else. Or – better yet - step up if you see a need for something.
What's a fun fact that most people don't know about you?
I worked at a radio station throughout high school -WFOS 88.7 FM in Chesapeake, Virginia. After taking a summer course on radio broadcast, I spent almost every Tuesday after school working as a ‘DJ’ during a 2-hour block of classical music and then traveling to City Hall with a teacher/mentor to cover City Council proceedings. I found my confidence and my voice in that experience and I’ve learned to follow my instincts and ‘jump in’ to new experiences.
How do you balance work/life?
On a day-to-day basis, I enjoy reading, writing and working out. My husband, Brian, and our two kids (Ava, 11 and Nathan, 7) also help keep me grounded and laughing. Binging on reality TV shows (just about anything on Bravo) or Netflix (The West Wing!) occasionally also helps.
PCACAC events and meetings also help remind me to slow down, think about what’s happening in the admission/college counseling world and also connect with people who love this profession as much as I do.
Christine Jenkins Recruitment Coordinator University of Maryland Baltimore County (MD)
What led you into admissions/college counseling? Share your journey story!
My journey to higher education and admissions is quite interesting. I came to UMBC immediately after I graduated from Howard University to pursue a career in Human Resources through a contractual position. I soon realized that my personality was too big for HR and I wasn’t able to help or work with students.
Once I saw a position open up in the Admissions Office, I went for it! It was and still is the best decision I’ve ever made. I realized throughout the greater majority of my life, I was always representing a brand, whether that be a dance studio, high school, sorority, or a university. I always enjoyed telling people about my experiences and getting them excited about their next steps in life. Which is why admissions was such a natural fit for me.
What's your favorite admissions/counseling memory or travel story?
My favorite admissions/travel story would have to be the time I went to a college fair with two different color shoes on. Let me give you some context. It was my first year of travel (you already know how that can be), I was going from high school to high school and had college fairs almost every night in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I may or may not have had 3 different pair of shoes on the floor of the driver’s side (I know not safe… do not try this at home). I think the fair was starting in 10 minutes, and without thinking or looking down, I slipped on my shoes and went inside. Halfway through the fair, one of the other admissions counselors said, “Hey! You have two different shoes on!” I looked down and I was mortified.
All in all, I shared a great laugh with all of my admissions folks that evening and throughout the rest of the travel season because they wouldn’t let me live it down.
What do you love most about your job?
The students! They are the number 1 reason as to why I am still in the profession. Education opens the doors to not only more earning power, but also the opportunity to learn from faculty and peers while providing invaluable experiences.
I’m also equally as passionate about working with underrepresented populations and informing them of how they can access higher education.
What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue leadership (or membership) in PCACAC and/or NACAC?
PCACAC is a great way to get involved and learn more about the admissions and college counseling field from the best of the best. From my 4 years of being a part of this great organization, I have found great mentorship; I was selected to present my initiative that I created within my office at the annual conference; and, I served as faculty member of the Middle Management Institute at last year’s conference. The sky truly is the limit within this organization. Do not be afraid to get involved, put yourself out there. I promise you will not regret it.
What's a fun fact that most people don't know about you?
A fun fact about me is that I am a professional dancer! I have been dancing for my entire life and I am trained in almost all styles; including, ballet, tap, jazz, modern, contemporary, and African.
Interviews are conducted by Melissa Ward, Communications Committee. If you know someone who deserves to be in the Member Spotlight or would like us to highlight you, please email Melissa at